Friday, January 2, 2009


I have not written for quite a while since I was so engrossed with my travel. During last two weeks I have gone to London, Barcelona and Amsterdam. Thanks to Allah SWT for giving me the resources and strength to meet people and see places in the other part of the world. I'll narrate my experiences in the future postings.

Meanwhile I would like to wish you Happy New Year. May Allah SWT grant us serenity, health, wealth and wisdom to continue our mission and vision in this world. The following is the greeting from a friend of mine for us to share and ponder:

Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul.
He breaks our heart to make us whole.
He sends us pain
so we can be stronger.
He sends us failure
so we can be humble.
He sends us illness
so we can take care of ourselves.
Allah takes everything away from us
so we can learn the value of everything.
Allau Akbar!

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